
About getting information
I use an analytics tool and it get personal information, OS, browser, language and so on. That tool is Google analytics, and get information at the pages that have a link to this policy.

Deal with personal information
I use this personal information for running this website and developing apps. For example, I deceide to localize and update on that information.
I only provide it to a third party when I'm requested to do by law or I develop with other person.
In that case, I notice users on SocialMedia and this website.
I deal with information that I know on contact mail in the same way.

This website managed by Skeyll and I have copyright. If not geting my permission, you can't Reprint, Duplicate, modifiy, sell and so on within the scope of private use as defined by the Copyright Act.
If I have problem about asetts in my apps, right holder let me know it.

I manage this website with care but I don't guarantee the information and function are correct and complete.
I are not responsible for any damage which occur as the result of using this website.
I'm also not responsible for any actions taken or services provided by third parties on this website.